Tag Archives: Writer

Interview: Writer Dominique Browning On Her Slow Love Life And Finding Happiness

23 Apr

Dominique Browning author photo credit Frances Palmer

By Pamela Burke

TWITTER: @Slowlovelife

All things fascinating, beautiful, and wondrous are discussed on Dominique Browning’s blog Slow Love Life.  We follow it religiously here at TWE, wondering what special photos and subject matter Dominique will turn up next.

She is a well-respected writer and was Editor-in-Chief of one of our favorite magazines, House & Garden.  Unfortunately, it ceased publication overnight in 2007, and she lost her job.

“The idea of Slow Love is just taking and giving ourselves permission to take a little time every day to feed our soul.”    Dominique Browning

Dominique decided to write all about it in a very candid and amusing book called Slow Love: How I Lost My Job Put On My Pajamas and Found Happiness .  We couldn’t wait to talk to her about her concept of Slow Love and her new project, Moms Clean Air Force.

Here are is an excerpt from Stacey Gualandi’s radio interview with Dominique along with some inspiring photos from her blog…   Continue reading

Interview: Lisa See On The Joy Of Writing And “Dreams Of Joy”

13 Nov

Lisa SeeBy Pamela Burke

TWITTER: @Lisa_See

Best-selling novelist Lisa See has been fascinated with Chinese culture and female friendship ever since she published her first book “On Gold Mountain” in 1995.   This “Los Angeles treasure,” as she’s been called, is now the author of seven popular novels with the release this year of “Dreams of Joy.”

“…write 1,000 words a day and one charming note.   I now say that to anyone who will listen.”    Lisa See

Lisa See "Dreams of Joy"

When “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan,” a master work that has been translated into 38 languages,  made its way to the silver screen, our reviewer Sue Podbielski praised its seldom portrayed theme of women’s loyalty and friendship.

We were delighted when we could talk to Lisa on “The Women’s Eye Radio Show” and hear more about how she “cuts to the bone” when she writes.  She’s working on yet another novel, but she took time out to talk to us about the love she has for her craft.  Here is Stacey Gualandi’s interview… Continue reading