Tag Archives: Women’s Movement

Interview: Rebecca Traister On Why “Big Girls Don’t Cry” —— The 2008 Election

26 Sep

Rebecca Traister Book Jacket photoRebecca Traister’s new book “Big Girls Don’t Cry” gives extraordinary insight into the presidential campaign of 2008 and an election she says that “changed everything for American women.”

This journalist and writer about politics and gender for Salon uses her coverage of the election as a jumping off point for her analysis of  what happened during that history making year.

A reader emailed that she wanted Rebecca to be interviewed for this website.  “Rebecca gave a lot of thought to the warp-speed with which women have transformed–and been transformed by–the political arena,” wrote my friend.

“…there is nothing wrong with wanting a woman to interrupt the history of white male presidential power. That’s actually a progressive impulse…”
Rebecca Traister

The more I read the book, the more questions I had for Rebecca about this transformative election and her non-teary title.  She answered them all…  Continue reading