Tag Archives: Tim O’Brien

Interview: Best-Selling Author Pam Houston On Contents That May Have Shifted

18 Mar
Pam Houston and Dante her wolfhound

Pam and Dante in the San Juan Mountains, CO.

By Anita Jones

TWITTER: @pam_houston

Pam Houston, known for her cowboy-loving and adventure-seeking novels, lives in her own paradise on this remote Colorado ranch at 9,000 feet near the headwaters of the Rio Grande. And she brings that natural world with her wherever she goes. She recently kicked off the book tour for her new novel, Contents May Have Shifted, and I had the pleasure of interviewing her before her talk at Book Passage, in Corte Madera, CA.

“It is so obvious for me to write autobiographically and then to shape it into a story…it’s like breathing or eating.”  Pam Houston

Contents is her fifth book coming after two collections of best-selling short stories, Cowboys Are My Weakness and Waltzing the Cat.  Once you talk with Pam for a few minutes you soon understand that her job as a writer is to experience the world and come back to write truthfully about her observations.  On top of that, Pam is very easy to talk to. We laughed a lot!… Continue reading