Tag Archives: Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

Women’s Eye Reflections For The New Year–#3

4 Jan


More quotes to reflect on from The Women’s Eye Interviews for 2010:

Virginia Paca

Virginia Paca

“I would like to leave people a little better than I found them and I’d like to leave the world better than I found it.  If I could do that I would feel like I had a successful life.”

Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

“Great women came into my life and mentored me and they have helped me find many ways to heal my body, mind and spirit. Hopefully, I can pass it on to others.”

Jessica Posner

Jessica Posner

“We are absolutely changing lives.  Look at the girls at our school. Last year they didn’t speak; they were shut down.  Now a year later they speak English, read, write, and do math.  They could be kids anywhere.”

Elizabeth Murray

Elizabeth Murray

“The artist makes a difference.  It takes a lot of courage to be creative and then to live that life.  You have to believe in yourself and know that it’s all worthwhile.”

Interview: Terry Laszlo-Gopadze On Her New Book: “The Spirit Of A Woman”

19 Oct

Terry Laszlo-GopadzeTerry Laszlo-Gopadze is a licensed marriage and family therapist who’s compiled a fascinating collection of stories about empowerment and inspiration.

Her new book “The Spirit of a Woman” features women from all walks of life who, as Terry writes, have the inner spirit to face challenges and to go “into the dark and emerge with compassion and truth.”

I met Terry and four of these special  women at Book Passage in Northern California where they all did a signing.   They shared their stories with incredible honesty and enthusiasm.

“Great women came into my life and mentored me and they have helped me find many ways to heal my body, mind and spirit. Hopefully, I can pass it on to others.”       Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

Terry spent 10 years searching for the women in her book.  After reading their tales, I had to ask Terry how she found these unique personalities and what she’s learned from hearing their courageous voices…  Continue reading