Tag Archives: Susan Edwards

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#2

3 Jan

Twenty Twelve TWE Reflections from iStock

We wanted to share more quotes from our TWE Interviews during the past year.  Our subjects had a lot to say about their lives and conditions around the world.  Here are words to ponder from some of our articles…  Continue reading

Interview: Susan Edwards’ New Film Salutes Environmental Crusader Marion Stoddart

7 Mar
Susan Edwards

Filmmaker Susan Edwards

By Pamela Burke

Thanks to Susan Edwards’ new documentary “Marion Stoddart: The Work of 1000,”  we get to meet one of  America’s most dedicated environmentalists.   Sue spent four years piecing together the story of how Marion and her supporters took on the challenge of restoring the Nashua River in New England, one of the most polluted bodies of water in the country. 

As we celebrate the 100th Annniversary of International Women’s Day, we honor Marion Stoddart who proved one person can make a difference.

Marion Stoddart

Marion Stoddart kayaking down the Nashua River, 2009

The river in Massachusetts above where you see Marion paddling went from “a hopeless, toxic sludge pit” in the sixties to a waterway filled with fish, birds, and kayakers twenty years later. 

I grew up near this river that winds through the center of the state to southern New Hampshire and couldn’t believe how polluted it became.  When I heard about Marion’s environmental triumph, I had to find Susan and ask her about her fascinating film and this one woman warrior…   Continue reading