Tag Archives: Stilettos

Interview: Author Carole Brody Fleet On Changing The Face Of Widowhood

27 Aug

Carole Brodoy Fleet

By Stacey Gualandi

On Facebook:  widowswearstilettos
On Twitter: widowsstilettos

In 2000, Carole Brody Fleet lost her beloved husband Mike after a two-year battle with ALS.  In an instant she was on her own, broke, raising an 11-year-old daughter… and a widow at only 40.

“The face of widowhood is not what everybody thinks. It’s women in their teens, 20’s and beyond…”  Carole Brody Fleet

But she wasn’t alone.    When she realized that widows wear stilettos too, not just black, she set out to help anyone feeling the emotional shock and devastation of widowhood.    Her book “Widows Wear Stilettos:  A Practical and Emotional Guide for the Young Widow” provides a comforting, informative guide – with just a hint of humor – to those widowed too soon.

Carole Brody Fleet

Now her book and website inspire 3 -4 thousand letters and emails every month from widows all around the world.

Don’t miss The Women’s Eye Radio Show interview with Carole on Sept. 10 at 10AM PST 1480KPHX.com and the rebroadcast Sept. 11 at 3P PST. 

Carole and I share similar experiences, having both lost our fathers to cancer in our early 40’s. 

But I also wanted to reach out to her to understand my mother’s loss, and what it means to move forward after losing your spouse, your confidante and your best friend… Continue reading