Tag Archives: Simple Living

Tammy Strobel Creates Popular Online Community For Simple Living

10 Aug

Tammy Strobel of RowdyKittens BlogTammy Strobel is an advocate for changing the world by  minimalist living while helping others. The author of “Simply Car-free” and “Minimalist Health” talks about her challenging downsized life on the Rowdy Kittens’ blog which she began two years ago.   This web designer and freelance writer gives tips on how to explore a  stuffless lifestyle  there as well as tells a fun story about how RowdyKittens got its name.

Simply-carfree book

Tammy's Book

Tammy  was living a so-called “normal” middle class existence five years ago with her husband, Logan Smith,  in Ca when they began to face their stressful financial situation and overload of belongings.  Having no desire for the 30-year mortgage and spending hours in their car, they started to downsize and tried two wheels instead of four.   Now inhabiting a 400-square-foot space in Portland, Oregon, they are hoping to build a  small house in the future.  They are believers in the Tiny House Movement.

To read Tammy’s tip-filled blog:


Her minimalist housing

Reach her on Twitter @RowdyKittens

Question:  Could you downsize to a 400-square-foot environment?