Tag Archives: Sarah Brokaw

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#2

3 Jan

Twenty Twelve TWE Reflections from iStock

We wanted to share more quotes from our TWE Interviews during the past year.  Our subjects had a lot to say about their lives and conditions around the world.  Here are words to ponder from some of our articles…  Continue reading

Interview: Sarah Brokaw On Fortytude, Fear, And Facing 40

30 Mar

Sarah Brokaw

By Stacey Gualandi

Twitter: myfortytude

Sarah Brokaw has hit a nerve with the 40-and-older crowd with her new book “Fortytude – Making the Next Decades the Best Years of Your Life through the 40’s, 50’s, and Beyond”.  Facing the big 4-0?  She says have no fear.

“Having Fortytude means realizing that while you can’t control what happens, you can control your reactions.”

Yes, Sarah is related to that other famous Brokaw.  Tom is her father.  Her mother, Meredith, is a successful entrepreneur. Yet Sarah navigated her own successful path.  By 30 she became a licensed psychotherapist and certified coach, but like so many women, she wanted to marry and have a family.

Sarah Brokaw

Sarah’s personal story inspired her to write “Fortytude“.  She interviewed hundreds of women from all walks of life for the book.   Of course, being in my 40’s, I knew this book would speak to me.  Not only did it  speak to me, it shook, slapped and snapped me right into a new way of thinking!

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with my 40’s so Sarah addressed my personal problems, or “sparkling moments” as she calls them.  Now I’d like to share our stories with you…  Continue reading