Tag Archives: Sandra Cisneros

Interview: Angie Chau On Her Passion To Write About The Vietnamese Immigrant

5 Oct

Angie Chau

Angie Chau is a writer born in Saigon, Vietnam,  whose new collection of short stories, “Quiet as They Come”,  describes the difficult existence of Vietnamese immigrants caught between two cultures.   She’s been called “an astonishing literary talent.”

When I read about Angie, I was taken by her determination to become a published writer no matter how long the journey.    She began this first book ten years ago.

“Write and keep at it, as you never want to stop growing as a human being, never stop growing as a writer…if a girl who arrived in this country with no English can prevail, so can you.”    Angie Chau

I wanted to find out how Angie had persevered over those many years to write this book  and whether she identifies with the experiences of the people in her stories.    Thanks,  Angie, for taking time to explain…  Continue reading