Tag Archives: Running

Interview: Brent Thomson Runs Mount Everest

28 Dec

Brent Thomson on Mt Everest, Dec. 2011 on TWE

By Pamela Burke

Twitter: @ThomsonBrent

She went, she ran, she conquered!  Brent Thomson took on what is called the hardest and highest race in the world, the Mount Everest Marathon, and accomplished her incredible goal this month.  At 60 years of age, she finished in 8 hours and 12 minutes.   Just completing the 26.2 mile journey down the rugged terrain was a feat in itself.

“I’m extremely thrilled that I did it and in a time I am very proud of…we pushed our bodies to the extreme limits.”  Brent Thomson

We profiled Brent on this website before she left for Nepal to begin her trek to 17,200 feet.  She returned earlier this month and gave Stacey Gualandi the first exclusive interview on the Women’s Eye Radio Show about her amazing race…  Continue reading