Tag Archives: Recycle

Interview: Bea Johnson On Her Personal Crusade For The Zero Waste Home

21 Jan

Bea Johnson

Bea Johnson is taking the zero waste movement to a new level in Mill Valley, Ca.  She doesn’t just want to “reduce, reuse and recycle.”   Her goal is to get rid of packaging and waste altogether.

” I’ve learned that the less I have, the easier it is.”

Her philosophy is to love, use, and know everything in her household and her motto “Refuse, refuse, refuse!”    She says people aren’t willing to sacrifice today for a better future.  Her Be Simpler business helps clients and friends make their lives less cluttered and wasteful.

Bea Johnson and zero waste

Cheese, meat, and olives stored in jars that Bea brings to the store

Everyday I notice packaging that is becoming more and more difficult to open and dispose of.  I wrote a short post last year on Bea and didn’t have the chance to speak with her.   That story keeps getting a lot of interest on the EYE.

I had many questions for Bea from how she shops successfully with jars to what it’s like managing a zero waste house with a husband and two sons.  We got to talk recently so she could explain to me just how she does it.   And it’s quite amazing…  Continue reading

Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin

9 Jun

Bea Johnson promotes a life without waste thru her blog and lifestyle in Mill Valley, Ca.   Her motto is “reduce, reuse, recycle” but first “refuse, refuse, refuse.”  She says that it’s not just about less packaging but about changing your whole outlook by wanting less and getting more.  Her consulting business Be Simpler helps people to get rid of the unnecessary.

To read the article:

Marin IJ

Bea’s blog

Question to ponder:  How do you  eliminate waste in your life?