Tag Archives: Petra Nemcova

Tsunami Survivor Petra Nemcova Rebuilds Young Lives With Happy Hearts

13 Mar

Petra Nemkova

These photos at the nationalpost.com of the devastation in Japan from the tsunami remind us of the unforgettable destruction of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004. 

The number of casualties from that disaster was staggering.  We could not fathom that it could kill 230,000 people in 12 nations and displace more than 1.4 million.

One person was touched by it in a most horrific way.  Model Petra Nemcova, vacationing in Thailand at the time, was almost swept away by the overpowering current but managed to keep her head above water.  Her fiance, photographer Simon Atlee, disappeared into the raging waters. 

Here she describes how she survived by holding onto a tree for 8 hours…

Petra ended up with a broken pelvis and internal injuries as well as the traumatic loss of her loved one.  But out of this tragedy came an idea for a way to help those with little hope and great need.  Continue reading