Tag Archives: NFL

Interview: Motivational Speaker Brenda Warner On Family, Fame And Faith

14 Feb

Brenda Warner author "One Call Away"

By Stacey Gualandi

TWITTER: @warnerbrenda

A husband cheats.  A son is left with brain damage after an accident.  A mother and father are killed in a tornado.   A divorced single mom is forced to live on food stamps.   A Marine marries a soon-to-be Super Bowl champion.    It sounds like the plot of a typical Hollywood script, but it’s actually one woman’s real life.

 “I realized while writing my memoir that I was always one call away from that phone call that changed my life in a split second.”  Brenda Warner

Brenda Warner's book "One Call Away"

In her poignant memoir, “One Call Away,” Brenda Warner recounts her life – the blessings as well as the tragedies – and how faith and her family have helped pull her through the most difficult of life’s challenges.   She is the wife of NFL superstar-turned-television host Kurt Warner, but now this 44-year-old former Marine is fast becoming a star in her own right.

She is a sought after motivational speaker, a best-selling author, and a tireless supporter of those in need through the First Things First Foundation she and Kurt began 10 years ago.  And she does this while raising seven kids!!!

I’m not quite sure how she found the time to talk with me on “The Women’s Eye Radio Show“, but I feel blessed that she did…  Continue reading