Tag Archives: Naked Face Project

Interview: Caitlin Boyle Changes Lives With Her Operation Beautiful Movement

11 Apr

Caitlin Boyle, "Operation Beautiful"

By Stacey Gualandi


One day, filled with low self-esteem and a negative inner voice that wouldn’t shut up, Caitlin Boyle did something crazy.  She wrote “you are beautiful” on a note, posted it on a public restroom mirror, and took a picture of it.  That day, Operation Beautiful was born.

“I’ve really begun to understand so much through Operation Beautiful, that so much of life is how you react to things. ”  Caitlin Boyle

Now, the 27-year-old award-winning blogger, runner, and soon-to-be mom, is the woman behind a movement to end negative self-talk.   All you have to do is write a positive note and post it in a public place for other people to find.  It’s as simple as that.

In just three short years, Caitlin has created a website, her first book Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-it Note at a Time and a sequel due out this summer. It’s amazing what a difference a few kind words can make.

I spoke with Caitlin about what first prompted her to post, her impact around the world and her plans for the future.   Guess what?  She’s not done yet making us believe WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL.   Continue reading