Tag Archives: Khair Khana

Interview: Gayle Lemmon On The Amazing Dressmaker of Khair Khana

22 Feb

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Twitter: gaylelemmon

UPDATE 3/14/11:  Gayle launches her new book in New York

UPDATE 3/7/11:  Gayle wrote the Newsweek cover story on Hillary Clinton’s War for Women’s Rights

Hillary Clinton Cover Story

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is a reporter extraordinaire when it comes to covering the women of Afghanistan.  Few journalists have Gayle’s tremendous insight and knowledge of the important issues affecting women there.   Her articles have appeared in a variety of publications including The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, CNN, and the New York Times.

“I want to shine a light on the true story of the tenacity and courage of these women…”                      Gayle Lemmon

Her exclusive story on Bibi Aisha, the teenager whose nose and ears were cut off in retaliation for her escape attempt from an abusive marriage in southern Afghanistan, gained international media attention.

Since 2005 she’s been researching women entrepreneurs in post-conflict economies.   Her book on one courageous survivor, The Dressmaker of Khair Khana, will be published mid-March.  A Publishers’ Weekly review says it “offers inspiration through the resourceful, determined woman at its heart.”

I interviewed Gayle about her powerful reporting last year.   In that article she described Kamila, the dressmaker,  as an amazing person whose business created jobs and hope for 100 women in her neighborhood during the Taliban years.

Gayle was determined to tell Kamila’s story.  I’ve wanted to find out more about this brave and intrepid woman ever since that last interview…  Continue reading