Tag Archives: Katrina Kenison

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#1

1 Jan

2012 I stock photo paid for by TWE

Yes, another year has come to a rapid end, and it’s time once again for The Women’s Eye to reflect and move forward. We’ve had the opportunity to interview an amazing array of inspiring and thoughtful people both for the site and our radio show, and we thank them all.

They had fascinating observations on their state and the state of the world. We thought we’d share some of their words of wisdom as we begin 2012. And here’s a big thank you to all the folks who visited our site this past year… Continue reading

Interview: Katrina Kenison On The Gift Of An Ordinary Day

16 Feb

Katrina Kenison

By Stacey Gualandi

UPDATE 2/28/11–Katrina’s First Day at Kripalu


Author and mother Katrina Kenison has captured a movement, one ordinary moment at a time, thanks to her book, The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir,  a popular blog, and the second most-watched book trailer online that you can see below.

“Begin each day with gratitude for what IS rather than worrying so much about what still might be.”   Katrina

Katrina simply asks us to appreciate that parking spot that magically appears, the birds chirping as you walk your dog, your young son saying “thanks” for the fun day you just had….moments so simple and ordinary, and gone in a flash.

While it’s a mother’s memoir, it appeals to even the non-moms like EYE contributor Stacey Gualandi. As she says, “After talking with Katrina, I realized ordinary has universal appeal, and I understand my mom so much more. We also found out we both practice yoga.  I teach and she’s about to become a teacher herself!”

And for the first time, Katrina’s sharing with us news about her next plans…something her fans and readers will be excited to hear!!! Continue reading

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year — 2012

1 Jan

The gremlins in cyberspace got ahold of this post. To read The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year—2012, click here. Happy New Year!