Tag Archives: Judge John Roll

Interview —— Chief of Staff Pia Carusone On Working For Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

7 Apr
Pia Carusone on the job with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona/2010

Pia Carusone on the job with Rep. Giffords in Arizona/2009

By Pamela Burke

Facebook: GGiffords
Twitter: @rep_giffords

UPDATE: 12/4/11–Giffords Aide Pia Carusone Takes Command of Office

Right now Pia Carusone has one tough and demanding job in Washington, DC, as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ Chief of Staff.  Since the Tucson tragedy in January when Giffords was critically wounded by a gunshot to the head, Pia’s office has been handling the needs of the people her boss represents in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.

Along with this, the staff has been dealing with the loss of one of their own, the steady barrage of media questions, and the public’s concern about Gabby’s condition.

“The experience has been the most difficult and emotional one that I’ve ever gone through.”  Pia

An added daily pressure is the historic final launch of the space shuttle Endeavour at the end of the month commanded by Gabby’s husband, Capt. Mark Kelly.

So far Pia’s holding steady.  This 30-year-old  keeps a low profile and gives most of the credit to the incredible group she and Giffords work with in DC and Tucson.

Rep. Giffords, Pia, and their Washington DC staff

Rep. Giffords, Pia, and the Washington, DC staff/2010

After seeing Giffords’ remarkable day by day recovery, I was looking forward to talking to Pia about dealing with the stress of her job, holding the office together, and the strength of her courageous boss… Continue reading