Tag Archives: Heart Disease

Interview: Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Kathy Magliato Talks About All Matters of the Heart

27 Jan

Kathy Magliato author of "Heart Matters"

By Stacey Gualandi

UPDATE: Feb. 3 is National Wear Red Day, Fight Heart Disease in Women

By day, Dr. Kathy Magliato is one of very few female cardiothoracic surgeons in the world. By night, she is a wife and mother of two young boys. “Having it all” is her middle name.  She is now Director of Women’s Cardiac Services at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, and in her spare time, develops artificial heart devices.

 “I wrote the book to educate women about heart disease because it’s our #1 killer.”  Dr. Kathy Magliato

But the demands of her profession haven’t affected her quick wit, "Heart Matters" by Dr. Kathy Magliatoand hilarious bedside manner, which I experienced first-hand at a recent Women’s Foundation of CA event in Los Angeles. She was candid, passionate about her craft, and a real cut-up. No pun intended.

Dr. Magliato works tirelessly to raise awareness of the #1 killer of women: heart disease. She literally wrote the book on this preventable disease, “Heart Matters.

To better understand how she rose through the often challenging ranks of heart surgery, and to find out just what makes her tick,  I spoke with Dr. Magliato on The Women’s Eye Radio ShowContinue reading