Tag Archives: Green

Interview: Sally Dominguez On Her Award-Winning Rainwater Harvesting Tank

2 Aug

Sally Dominguez is an architect, a designer, and an inventor of products  she thinks will  help make the world more eco-friendly.    Now living in Northern California, she started out designing urban housing in Australia, then launched a line of children’s furniture including the multi-award- winning NEST Highchair.  

When she couldn’t find a rainwater tank to fit under her patio during a drought, she came up with the Rainwater HOG, a slim and portable container that holds 51 gallons.    It can be used for irrigation, emergency drinking water, and greywater recycling.  Her newest invention is the HOGzilla that she’s working on with her husband, Simon.  It will hold 450 gallons.

As well as writing on sustainability and cars, she is a judge on “The New Inventors,” an Australian television show.

I was fascinated by this new HOG tank and in Sally’s tenacity to create one.  I wanted to know more so I asked Sally:

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Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin

9 Jun

Bea Johnson promotes a life without waste thru her blog and lifestyle in Mill Valley, Ca.   Her motto is “reduce, reuse, recycle” but first “refuse, refuse, refuse.”  She says that it’s not just about less packaging but about changing your whole outlook by wanting less and getting more.  Her consulting business Be Simpler helps people to get rid of the unnecessary.

To read the article:

Marin IJ

Bea’s blog

Question to ponder:  How do you  eliminate waste in your life?