Tag Archives: Ernest Hemingway

Interview: Mariette Hartley On Breaking The Silence About Addiction And Suicide

18 Oct

Mariette Hartley

By Stacey Gualandi

Twitter: @afspnational

It has been 21 years since actress and author Mariette Hartley wrote her memoir, “Breaking the Silence.”  It was a runaway national bestseller.  It opened old wounds, revealed family secrets, and brought taboo subjects to the forefront with her usual candor and endless sense of humor.

Mariette Hartley bookNow through the benefit of self publishing, Mariette has re-issued her breakthrough celebrity tell-all.  Back is the frank discussion of growing up in a family filled with alcoholism, abuse and suicide.

She also shares the backstage triumphs and pitfalls of a life lived on the Hollywood stage, and in the spotlight.

I was always a huge fan of this Emmy-winning actress, morning TV host and Polaroid pitchwoman, and wanted to know where she is now.

I was honored to talk with her recently and to find out why she decided to re-release her memoir, whether she still wants to act and if there is life – and sex – after 65.

Check out the podcast of our interview on The Women’s Eye Radio Show.

The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention Walk in Santa Monica, CA takes place on October 22, 2011…  Continue reading