Tag Archives: Christmas

Guest Blog: Sandy Foster’s Star of Wonder, Star of Night

15 Dec

Sandy Foster's Star

We asked Sandy Foster, the curator of a simply wonderful design website, My Shabby Streamside Studio, to do a blog this year as she had done last December to share with us what the holidays mean to her.

Her articles here on TWE are very popular, and we thought our audience would be interested in hearing from her again. As always, times change, things happen, and life can gobsmack you. Here’s her story this year…  Continue reading

Guest Blog: Sandy Foster’s Special Holiday Message

26 Nov

Sandy Foster || Christmas at her Tiny House

I asked Sandy Foster if she’d like to be the first EYE guest blogger.  The interview about her tiny retreat earlier this year triggered a warm response from readers who admired her creative spirit.  Her website is a must visit.

Sandy starts decorating her 9×14 foot studio in the Catskills  in late October and leaves everything up until February, dismantling it as weather permits. The slope to the cabin is steep and snowy so she says she has to ford the stream in her “pink wellies” to get there.

Her dream is to publish a book featuring romantic holiday decor from bloggers worldwide.  Creating Vintage Charm Magazine currently features Sandy’s little sanctuary with her beautiful tree on the cover.

Sandy Foster's Vintage Charm Magazine

Here is Sandy’s message along with photos of her enchanting Christmas cottage and upcycled ornaments…   Continue reading