Tag Archives: Catholicism

Interview: Anne Rice On Werewolves, Immortality And A New Life Chapter

1 Apr

Anne Rice, author, photo by Matthias Scheer

By Stacey Gualandi

TWITTER: @AnneRiceAuthor

Anne Rice is the international best-selling author of over 30 books, and unless you’ve been living under a coffin, she is best known for The Vampire Chronicles, including Interview with the Vampire which became a blockbuster movie.

“All you can do is write the books that you love and that you want to read, throw it out there and hope other people will get it.”  Anne Rice

Anne has sold over a whopping one hundred million books in her career. At 70, she now has a new novel out, The Wolf Gift, a twist on the traditional wolfman theme.  Now Anne’s life has always been an open book, so I really wanted to find out what’s going on in her latest chapter. 

I spoke with the doyenne of the dark arts for The Women’s Eye Radio Show while she was on her book tour.  Here is an excerpt from that interview…  Continue reading