Tag Archives: Cancer

Interview: Ann Murray Paige And Pink Tips For Breast Cancer Fighters

28 Oct
Ann Murray Paige

Photo: VIPimages.com

By Stacey Gualandi

TWITTER: @annmurraypaige
FACEBOOK:  annmurraypaige

With the country’s attention focused heavily on breast cancer this month, there is story after inspiring story of amazing survivors of this disease.  But one woman’s journey in particular, Ann Murray Paige, truly captures the spirit of what it means to be a breast cancer fighter!

” Once life forced my face to the mat, I came back swinging, and I still am.”  Ann Murray Paige

Mutual friends Susie Stangland and Lee Woodruff, whom we profiled earlier this year, introduced me to Ann, and I am so grateful they did.

Ann getting chemo during doc

Ann getting chemo; Linda Patillo with camera

This Emmy-nominated New England TV journalist, wife, and mother of two adorable young children, was diagnosed with breast cancer at only 38.  Her dream of having a third child ended there.

But Ann did what she knew best; she told a story.  She documented her battle in the acclaimed film, “The Breast Cancer Diaries.”

She writes an award-winning blog Project Pink , and her just-released book, “pink tips: breast cancer advice from someone who’s been there,” is  the cancer Cliffsnotes she wished she had.

We both worked in television news and share a love of  “Charlie’s Angels” (don’t ask!!!), so I wanted to get to know this “warrior in pink” better.  I soon learned cancer picked the wrong gal when it picked her.

Be sure to tune in soon to our interview with Ann on The Women’s Eye Radio Show airing in December… Continue reading

Interview: Ovarian Cancer Survivor Sharon Blynn Proves Bald Is Beautiful

23 Jul
Sharon Blynn

Photo: Robin Emtage

By Stacey Gualandi

When Sharon Blynn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2000, she was a vibrant music executive living in New York City…and she was only 28 years old.

“One of the most profound teachings has been about learning to truly love myself at my deepest core.”

It was a devastating life-altering moment followed by three years of treatment and the demoralizing loss of her hair.  She bravely shaved her head and eventually conquered this silent disease.  Now eight years cancer-free, the actress and model chooses to remain bald.

Sharon Blynn

Sharon at Revlon Run/Walk--Photo: Brad Ross/2008

In 2003, she created baldisbeautiful.org to redefine beauty and dispel the stigma of hair loss from cancer.  As a result, Sharon inspires survivors and caregivers throughout the world.  She is this month’s Revlon Role Model in an advertisement in People.

Sharon has a powerful message, and after meeting this one-woman ovarian cancer-awareness-advocate in person, it was easy to see her beauty, both inside and out… Continue reading

Interview: Kimberly Fowler On YAS, Yoga And The No Om Zone

9 Jun

Kimberly Fowler By Stacey Gualandi


Kimberly Fowler never met an obstacle she couldn’t overcome.   She was diagnosed with a brain tumor 25 years ago.  She was hit by a car while competing in a triathlon.  And she almost died after falling during a climbing expedition.   What helped her survive these unbelievable challenges?  Kimberly says yoga.

“When I was diagnosed, I said not only am I not going to die, I’m going to get into the best shape of my life.”

She is the founder of YAS Fitness centers in and around Los Angeles and has created her own style of workouts called Yoga For Athletes and a yoga-and-spin hybrid known as YAS.   Now this former attorney-turned-entrepreneur hopes to inspire everyone to make yoga a part of their lives.

UPDATE:  Sunday was Kimberly’s 2nd annual three hour “spin-a-thon” for Think Cure to raise money to fight cancer.  Their goal was to raise $150,00.  They beat it and raised over $175,000!

Kimberly Fowler in classroom

Kimberly teaching yoga at YAS Venice, CA

When I first interviewed Kimberly four years ago for Multiplicity Media, she made an undeniable impression on me.  I decided to set a goal and become a YAS instructor myself, but it was scary and certainly not easy.    So now I want everyone to experience Kimberly Fowler’s fearlessness… Continue reading