Tag Archives: Author

Interview: Writer Dominique Browning On Her Slow Love Life And Finding Happiness

23 Apr

Dominique Browning author photo credit Frances Palmer

By Pamela Burke

TWITTER: @Slowlovelife

All things fascinating, beautiful, and wondrous are discussed on Dominique Browning’s blog Slow Love Life.  We follow it religiously here at TWE, wondering what special photos and subject matter Dominique will turn up next.

She is a well-respected writer and was Editor-in-Chief of one of our favorite magazines, House & Garden.  Unfortunately, it ceased publication overnight in 2007, and she lost her job.

“The idea of Slow Love is just taking and giving ourselves permission to take a little time every day to feed our soul.”    Dominique Browning

Dominique decided to write all about it in a very candid and amusing book called Slow Love: How I Lost My Job Put On My Pajamas and Found Happiness .  We couldn’t wait to talk to her about her concept of Slow Love and her new project, Moms Clean Air Force.

Here are is an excerpt from Stacey Gualandi’s radio interview with Dominique along with some inspiring photos from her blog…   Continue reading

Interview: Jennifer Granholm On Being Governor, “The War Room” And Her Fight For Jobs

25 Feb
Jennifer Granholm, host of The War Room for Current TV

Former Governor Jennifer Granholm, Host of "The War Room" on Current TV

By Pamela Burke

TWITTER:  @GranholmTWR

You probably know Jennifer Granholm as the first female Governor of Michigan, serving two terms from 2003-2011.   She led that state during what she calls “the worst economic period in their history.”   Those tough times are outlined in her new book “A Governor’s Story: The Fight for Jobs and America’s Economic Future,”  but this mother of three now has a new job as host of “The War Room with Jennifer Granholm” on Current TV.

“I really want this show to have an impact on people who watch…I want to unearth issues that cause viewers to act.”   Jennifer Granholm

She took time out from her hectic schedule preparing for her new program in San Francisco to talk to Stacey Gualandi on The Women’s Eye Radio Show about her life in politics; her special formula for creating jobs; and why women have to get off the sidelines…  Continue reading

Interview: Linda Evans Cooks Up Bestselling Recipes For Life

6 Dec
Linda Evans

Photo: Courtesy Laura Craig

By Stacey Gualandi

We know actress Linda Evans best by the characters she has portrayed on the big and small screen from Audra in Big Valley to Krystal Carrington on “Dynasty.”  But when I saw her speak recently at the Los Angeles Women’s Expo, I didn’t know that she is also a good cook.  Throughout her career, Linda has cooked for a who’s who of Hollywood including John Wayne and Steve McQueen

“I wanted to write a book that was honest and to let people know what my life was.”   Linda Evans

Linda Evans "Recipes for Life" bookNow, at 69, Linda has combined her passion for preparing food with memorable moments from her life in her first memoir, Recipes for Life.     In her own words, she writes about the devastating time when husband, the late John Derek, left her for Bo; the movie roles that got away; facing her fear of dating Yanni, a younger man; and being friends with her ex’s ex-wives.

Her book is a fascinating journey of a well-lived life in the spotlight.   Linda now lives in the Pacific Northwest, and has no plans to return to Hollywood.

But she hopes by sharing her stories, and the recipes that got her through the good times and the bad that she can encourage fans to embrace life and all it gives us.

After hearing her speak, I wanted to learn more about her “Fresh Start Blueberry Muffins,” the man who recently got her heart pumping, and if she ever plans to play Krystal again… Continue reading

Interview: Ann Murray Paige And Pink Tips For Breast Cancer Fighters

28 Oct
Ann Murray Paige

Photo: VIPimages.com

By Stacey Gualandi

TWITTER: @annmurraypaige
FACEBOOK:  annmurraypaige

With the country’s attention focused heavily on breast cancer this month, there is story after inspiring story of amazing survivors of this disease.  But one woman’s journey in particular, Ann Murray Paige, truly captures the spirit of what it means to be a breast cancer fighter!

” Once life forced my face to the mat, I came back swinging, and I still am.”  Ann Murray Paige

Mutual friends Susie Stangland and Lee Woodruff, whom we profiled earlier this year, introduced me to Ann, and I am so grateful they did.

Ann getting chemo during doc

Ann getting chemo; Linda Patillo with camera

This Emmy-nominated New England TV journalist, wife, and mother of two adorable young children, was diagnosed with breast cancer at only 38.  Her dream of having a third child ended there.

But Ann did what she knew best; she told a story.  She documented her battle in the acclaimed film, “The Breast Cancer Diaries.”

She writes an award-winning blog Project Pink , and her just-released book, “pink tips: breast cancer advice from someone who’s been there,” is  the cancer Cliffsnotes she wished she had.

We both worked in television news and share a love of  “Charlie’s Angels” (don’t ask!!!), so I wanted to get to know this “warrior in pink” better.  I soon learned cancer picked the wrong gal when it picked her.

Be sure to tune in soon to our interview with Ann on The Women’s Eye Radio Show airing in December… Continue reading

Interview: Mariette Hartley On Breaking The Silence About Addiction And Suicide

18 Oct

Mariette Hartley

By Stacey Gualandi

Twitter: @afspnational

It has been 21 years since actress and author Mariette Hartley wrote her memoir, “Breaking the Silence.”  It was a runaway national bestseller.  It opened old wounds, revealed family secrets, and brought taboo subjects to the forefront with her usual candor and endless sense of humor.

Mariette Hartley bookNow through the benefit of self publishing, Mariette has re-issued her breakthrough celebrity tell-all.  Back is the frank discussion of growing up in a family filled with alcoholism, abuse and suicide.

She also shares the backstage triumphs and pitfalls of a life lived on the Hollywood stage, and in the spotlight.

I was always a huge fan of this Emmy-winning actress, morning TV host and Polaroid pitchwoman, and wanted to know where she is now.

I was honored to talk with her recently and to find out why she decided to re-release her memoir, whether she still wants to act and if there is life – and sex – after 65.

Check out the podcast of our interview on The Women’s Eye Radio Show.

The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention Walk in Santa Monica, CA takes place on October 22, 2011…  Continue reading

Interview: Commentator Keli Goff Has Her Eye On Politics

20 Sep

Keli Goff

By Stacey Gualandi

Twitter: @keligoff
Facebook: KeliGoff

She has an eye for pinpointing the hot button issues in today’s political discussion.   Commentator Keli Goff has been called “fearless” and “a breath of fresh air” since she emerged from the 2008 election as a voice for the hip-hop generation.

“I feel I’ve done my job best when someone says they didn’t know about something until they read my column and took action…”  Keli Goff

If you follow politics, you’ve read her editorial blogs on The Huffington Post and loop21.com or listened to her on radio and TV shows across the country.  She has an opinion and isn’t afraid to share it.

Keli Goff book

Now Keli’s experience in following Presidential campaigns and elections has inspired her first novel “The GQ Candidate,”  a page-turning look into the inner circle of an unlikely man running for president, an African-American who was raised by a multi-racial family.

She comes by it naturally; after all, her passion for picking presidents began as a preteen.  With the 2012 election campaign underway, I wanted to check in with Keli to see what’s on her mind these days… Continue reading

Interview: Diane Meier On The Season Of Second Chances

22 Aug

Diane Meier

By Pamela Burke

Twitter: dianemeiernyc

If you’re looking for a person who understands style and self-expression, look no further than Diane Meier, author of the recently-released paperback “The Season of Second Chances.”  Diane is the founder (at age 29) and Creative Director of MEIER, an award-winning NYC marketing firm.

“We only have the shortest time on earth–only the tiniest bit of time–and shame on us if we don’t make our mark.”   Diane Meier

Her experience at the beginning of her career at top companies like Avon, Revlon, and Elizabeth Arden paved the way for her to launch her own marketing empire.  As winner of many of the industry’s top honors, articles about MEIER have been published in magazines and graphic design books all over the world.

Diane’s first novel is about the renovation of a house and a soul and seemed fascinating fodder for me and readers of TWE who cherish the opportunity to review and renew.  Getting the chance to talk with Diane about the wonders of the “eye” and much more was indeed a pleasure… Continue reading

Interview: Best Selling Author Laura Munson On Marriage And Making Choices

22 Jun

Laura Munson

By Stacey Gualandi

Facebook: lauramunson
Twitter:   @lauramunson

Author Laura Munson never thought she would be called a revolutionary.  But her first book, “This Is Not The Story You Think It Is:  A Season of Unlikely Happiness”, sparked such a reaction from readers, she is still feeling the love over a year later.

“Never did I think I’d star as the main character in my first book.”   Laura

Laura Munson and StaceyThis Montana-based writer’s overnight success was actually 20 years in the making.  Her essay in the “Modern Love” New York Times column about what happened when her husband told her he didn’t love her anymore, touched such a nerve, her story went viral, which led to this best selling book. The paperback version has just been released.

When it comes to marital distress, Munson is an unlikely role model.  Instead of reacting, or over-reacting, Munson chose not to take it personally. I had the good fortune to meet Laura recently in Los Angeles at the More Magazine Reinvention Convention.   I wanted to find out how she discovered  true happiness and ultimately kept her marriage intact…  Continue reading

Interview: Phyllis Theroux On Writing A Journal From The Heart

13 Dec


Phyllis Theroux by Duane Berger

Phyllis Theroux is a rare writer’s writer, a title reserved for those special people who are revered by their peers.   She’s an essayist, author , teacher, and natural story-teller who goes right to the heart of everything she writes.  Phyllis Theroux book

Her new book “The Journal Keeper” is a personal memoir penned during six years of her life.  She takes on all of life’s ups and downs in such a relatable and introspective way that the book becomes your friend. 

I was fortunate enough to meet Phyllis at Book Passage, a bookstore in Marin County, California.  She was speaking to a group about the wonder of the journal–“a flashlight” as she called it. 

I’m a big believer in journals and found Phyllis’ so engaging that I had to track her down to learn more about her genius for words and so many other things.  She answered the phone at her “Writer’s Cottage” in Ashland, Virginia.  Continue reading

Interview: Angie Chau On Her Passion To Write About The Vietnamese Immigrant

5 Oct

Angie Chau

Angie Chau is a writer born in Saigon, Vietnam,  whose new collection of short stories, “Quiet as They Come”,  describes the difficult existence of Vietnamese immigrants caught between two cultures.   She’s been called “an astonishing literary talent.”

When I read about Angie, I was taken by her determination to become a published writer no matter how long the journey.    She began this first book ten years ago.

“Write and keep at it, as you never want to stop growing as a human being, never stop growing as a writer…if a girl who arrived in this country with no English can prevail, so can you.”    Angie Chau

I wanted to find out how Angie had persevered over those many years to write this book  and whether she identifies with the experiences of the people in her stories.    Thanks,  Angie, for taking time to explain…  Continue reading