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The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#4

17 Jan

TWE iStock Photo for 2012 Reflections

We’re into the new year now and the balloons have been launched, but we think there’s still time to reflect on what more of our women had to say about their world as they saw it in 2011.  Here are some quotes to ponder as we all take on the challenges of the coming months… Continue reading

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#3

5 Jan

TWE Reflections--#3

We wanted to add more quotes from some of our 2o11 TWE Interviews as we get ready for the challenges of this new year.  They may inspire you to take on a new journey, task, or just reflect on what is possible…  Continue reading

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#2

3 Jan

Twenty Twelve TWE Reflections from iStock

We wanted to share more quotes from our TWE Interviews during the past year.  Our subjects had a lot to say about their lives and conditions around the world.  Here are words to ponder from some of our articles…  Continue reading

The Women’s Eye Reflections for the New Year 2012–#1

1 Jan

2012 I stock photo paid for by TWE

Yes, another year has come to a rapid end, and it’s time once again for The Women’s Eye to reflect and move forward. We’ve had the opportunity to interview an amazing array of inspiring and thoughtful people both for the site and our radio show, and we thank them all.

They had fascinating observations on their state and the state of the world. We thought we’d share some of their words of wisdom as we begin 2012. And here’s a big thank you to all the folks who visited our site this past year… Continue reading