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Update: Cynthia Aguilar On Her Recent Risky Attempt to Paddle From Cuba to Key West

8 Nov
Cynthia Paddling to Key West

Cynthia Paddling to Key West

Cynthia Aguilar’s valiant attempt to set a world paddleboarding record from Cuba to Key West in thirty-six hours came to abrupt end in September after paddling solo in the water for 17 hours.  You can read about her preparation for the  trip to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation in this EYE interview.

When I heard that Cynthia didn’t make it all the way, I wanted to find out just what happened in the unpredictable Gulf Stream and how dangerous it was.  She told me what made her reluctantly decide to get out of the water before reaching Key West and gave me some exclusive photos that you’ll see in her documentary coming out next year when she tries again.  The woman is unstoppable!  Continue reading