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Interview: Katrina Kenison On The Gift Of An Ordinary Day

16 Feb

Katrina Kenison

By Stacey Gualandi

UPDATE 2/28/11–Katrina’s First Day at Kripalu

Author and mother Katrina Kenison has captured a movement, one ordinary moment at a time, thanks to her book, The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir,  a popular blog, and the second most-watched book trailer online that you can see below.

“Begin each day with gratitude for what IS rather than worrying so much about what still might be.”   Katrina

Katrina simply asks us to appreciate that parking spot that magically appears, the birds chirping as you walk your dog, your young son saying “thanks” for the fun day you just had….moments so simple and ordinary, and gone in a flash.

While it’s a mother’s memoir, it appeals to even the non-moms like EYE contributor Stacey Gualandi. As she says, “After talking with Katrina, I realized ordinary has universal appeal, and I understand my mom so much more. We also found out we both practice yoga.  I teach and she’s about to become a teacher herself!”

And for the first time, Katrina’s sharing with us news about her next plans…something her fans and readers will be excited to hear!!! Continue reading

Jennifer Salt’s First Produced Screenplay Is Eat Pray Love

9 Aug
Jennifer Salt Screenwriter

Photo by Stephanie Diani/NYTimes

Jennifer Salt began her professional life as an actress.  This daughter of Academy Award-Winning  screenwriter Waldo Salt, who was blacklisted in the fifties,  did not become a writer for many years.  She went to  Broadway after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College, was involved in regional theatre, and moved on to movie roles in Hollywood.   She acted on the television show  “Soap”  for five years but found it  wasn’t her calling.    Eat Pray Love Movie Poster

After enrolling in her first writing class in her early forties, this single mom seemed to find her passion penning scripts.    A successful stint at writing and producing  for the television series “Nip/Tuck” led her back into the movie business.  She was approached to help author a script from a story that had become a blockbuster best- selling book.  At 65,  she is hitting her stride as co-writer of the screenplay for Elizabeth Gilbert’s popular  “Eat, Pray,  Love.”  The movie opens Aug. 13.

To read about Jennifer’s journey to become a screenwriter:

New York Times

Marin IJ article on Elizabeth Gilbert interview with Jennifer

Question:  How difficult is it to change careers and reinvent yourself ?  Have you tried it?

Interview: Sally Dominguez On Her Award-Winning Rainwater Harvesting Tank

2 Aug

Sally Dominguez is an architect, a designer, and an inventor of products  she thinks will  help make the world more eco-friendly.    Now living in Northern California, she started out designing urban housing in Australia, then launched a line of children’s furniture including the multi-award- winning NEST Highchair.  

When she couldn’t find a rainwater tank to fit under her patio during a drought, she came up with the Rainwater HOG, a slim and portable container that holds 51 gallons.    It can be used for irrigation, emergency drinking water, and greywater recycling.  Her newest invention is the HOGzilla that she’s working on with her husband, Simon.  It will hold 450 gallons.

As well as writing on sustainability and cars, she is a judge on “The New Inventors,” an Australian television show.

I was fascinated by this new HOG tank and in Sally’s tenacity to create one.  I wanted to know more so I asked Sally:

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Interview: Vendela Vida On Her Riveting New Novel About A Journey To Self Discovery

23 Jul

Photo by Chloe Aftel

Journalist, author, and editor Vendela Vida has recently published the third in a trilogy of books that have a theme of violence and rage.   In “The Lovers” she chronicles an American widow’s  quest to  heal herself.   Described as a “masterful meditation on grief and love,” the book  is the tale of  a woman who returns to the place in Turkey where she once honeymooned and the internal and external  chaos that visit causes.

Vendela Vida's Book The Lovers

Vendela's Book

Vendela is a co-founder of the literary magazine  “The Believer.”   She’s also the co-founder of 826 Valencia, a non-profit tutoring center in San Francisco that teaches writing to children and teens.

I saw Vendela talk about her new book and wanted to know more about “The Lovers” and her desire to write…

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Dominique Browning Writes About Recovery From Job Loss

9 Jun

Frances Palmer/NYT

Dominique Browning, the author of  a new book “Slow Love– How I Lost My Job, Put on My Pajamas, and Found Happiness,” is about her life after losing her position as editor of House and Garden Magazine where she worked for 13 years.   The magazine went out of business overnight.   Her journey back to recovery is a wonderful read by a very talented writer.

To read a review:  Slow Love Browning Cover

NY Times

To view her blog:

Slow Love Life

Question:  Have you had an experience losing a job and dealing with the change in your life?

Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin

9 Jun

Bea Johnson promotes a life without waste thru her blog and lifestyle in Mill Valley, Ca.   Her motto is “reduce, reuse, recycle” but first “refuse, refuse, refuse.”  She says that it’s not just about less packaging but about changing your whole outlook by wanting less and getting more.  Her consulting business Be Simpler helps people to get rid of the unnecessary.

To read the article:

Marin IJ

Bea’s blog

Question to ponder:  How do you  eliminate waste in your life?

Teri Hatcher Launches New Website Get Hatched

24 May

Teri’s  new website with Disney is described as  “a chick’s guide to life.”  This 45-year-old single mom offers feel good info and talks about issues she says that matter to women.

To view this website:

Photo: NY Daily NewsTo view this website:

Get Hatched

Are you interested in what celebrities have to say about issues?

Laura Bush Writes From Her Heart

19 May

The former first lady chronicles her life in “Spoken From the Heart” with, as some critics write, candor and no meanness.

To read a review:

LA Times

An interview:

USA Today

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

Anna Quindlen Tackles Motherhood And Marriage

10 May

Photo: AP/Daily Beast

Best-selling author and columnist Quindlen takes on parenting, domesticity, and relationships in her 6th novel “Every Last One.”  She writes about how life can unravel.

To read the article:

Daily Beast

To view an interview:

YouTube at Borders

What do you do when you lose control of your life?
