Archive | April, 2012

Interview: Writer Dominique Browning On Her Slow Love Life And Finding Happiness

23 Apr

Dominique Browning author photo credit Frances Palmer

By Pamela Burke

TWITTER: @Slowlovelife

All things fascinating, beautiful, and wondrous are discussed on Dominique Browning’s blog Slow Love Life.  We follow it religiously here at TWE, wondering what special photos and subject matter Dominique will turn up next.

She is a well-respected writer and was Editor-in-Chief of one of our favorite magazines, House & Garden.  Unfortunately, it ceased publication overnight in 2007, and she lost her job.

“The idea of Slow Love is just taking and giving ourselves permission to take a little time every day to feed our soul.”    Dominique Browning

Dominique decided to write all about it in a very candid and amusing book called Slow Love: How I Lost My Job Put On My Pajamas and Found Happiness .  We couldn’t wait to talk to her about her concept of Slow Love and her new project, Moms Clean Air Force.

Here are is an excerpt from Stacey Gualandi’s radio interview with Dominique along with some inspiring photos from her blog…   Continue reading


21 Apr

Thank you so much for subscribing to The Women’s Eye and listening to The Women’s Eye Radio Show!

The site is almost two years old so we thought it was time to give it a new design. Here’s a sneak peek at the Home Page of our new site. It features a slider for our recent interviews and an easier, photo-rich way to see the wide range of inspiring women we’ve covered at The Women’s Eye.

TWE Screenshot Homepage

You can dive into their stories, listen to their interviews and learn about their endeavors as they make a difference throughout the world.

We appreciate you taking the time to read our articles and listen to our radio program hosted by  Stacey Gualandi on 1480KPHX and the live stream at

The new site will be live SOON, and we hope you like it.  Please give us your feedback.  It’s a process, and we are constantly evolving the look and content.

Feel free to suggest people and stories that you’d like to see on the site  by contacting The Women’s Eye.  It’s great to hear from you!


Interview: Caitlin Boyle Changes Lives With Her Operation Beautiful Movement

11 Apr

Caitlin Boyle, "Operation Beautiful"

By Stacey Gualandi


One day, filled with low self-esteem and a negative inner voice that wouldn’t shut up, Caitlin Boyle did something crazy.  She wrote “you are beautiful” on a note, posted it on a public restroom mirror, and took a picture of it.  That day, Operation Beautiful was born.

“I’ve really begun to understand so much through Operation Beautiful, that so much of life is how you react to things. ”  Caitlin Boyle

Now, the 27-year-old award-winning blogger, runner, and soon-to-be mom, is the woman behind a movement to end negative self-talk.   All you have to do is write a positive note and post it in a public place for other people to find.  It’s as simple as that.

In just three short years, Caitlin has created a website, her first book Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-it Note at a Time and a sequel due out this summer. It’s amazing what a difference a few kind words can make.

I spoke with Caitlin about what first prompted her to post, her impact around the world and her plans for the future.   Guess what?  She’s not done yet making us believe WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL.   Continue reading

Interview: Anne Rice On Werewolves, Immortality And A New Life Chapter

1 Apr

Anne Rice, author, photo by Matthias Scheer

By Stacey Gualandi

TWITTER: @AnneRiceAuthor

Anne Rice is the international best-selling author of over 30 books, and unless you’ve been living under a coffin, she is best known for The Vampire Chronicles, including Interview with the Vampire which became a blockbuster movie.

“All you can do is write the books that you love and that you want to read, throw it out there and hope other people will get it.”  Anne Rice

Anne has sold over a whopping one hundred million books in her career. At 70, she now has a new novel out, The Wolf Gift, a twist on the traditional wolfman theme.  Now Anne’s life has always been an open book, so I really wanted to find out what’s going on in her latest chapter. 

I spoke with the doyenne of the dark arts for The Women’s Eye Radio Show while she was on her book tour.  Here is an excerpt from that interview…  Continue reading