Archive | July, 2011

Interview: Maman Marie Nzoli, A Congolese Unsung Hero

30 Jul


By Amy Ernst, Contributing Writer and Photographer/Congo

Amy’s Blog

I arrived in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo in April, 2010 from Chicago.  I was introduced to Maman Marie Nzoli through a local Catholic priest who knew of my desire to help survivors of sexual violence.  I work alongside COPERMA, the NGO that Maman founded in 1983, raising funds, doing identification of new survivors of rape, and helping arrange medical and psychosocial support for all victims of the war.

“I want so badly for the violence against women to stop.”  Maman Marie

The work I do is miniscule compared to that of Maman Marie and the loyal COPERMA team.  She has established 12 centers that have assisted thousands of men, women, and children over the years around Butembo.

Maman handing out food

Maman handing out food

Even though they often aren’t paid, Maman Marie and her team work tirelessly, never turning down anyone with need nor hesitating to go into a dangerous situation.  They’ve subsisted mostly on selling potatoes cultivated by beneficiaries of COPERMA.

She’s an unsung hero and an endless inspiration to me.  Here is what she told me recently in her small concrete office in Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo… Continue reading

Interview: Ovarian Cancer Survivor Sharon Blynn Proves Bald Is Beautiful

23 Jul
Sharon Blynn

Photo: Robin Emtage

By Stacey Gualandi

When Sharon Blynn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2000, she was a vibrant music executive living in New York City…and she was only 28 years old.

“One of the most profound teachings has been about learning to truly love myself at my deepest core.”

It was a devastating life-altering moment followed by three years of treatment and the demoralizing loss of her hair.  She bravely shaved her head and eventually conquered this silent disease.  Now eight years cancer-free, the actress and model chooses to remain bald.

Sharon Blynn

Sharon at Revlon Run/Walk--Photo: Brad Ross/2008

In 2003, she created to redefine beauty and dispel the stigma of hair loss from cancer.  As a result, Sharon inspires survivors and caregivers throughout the world.  She is this month’s Revlon Role Model in an advertisement in People.

Sharon has a powerful message, and after meeting this one-woman ovarian cancer-awareness-advocate in person, it was easy to see her beauty, both inside and out… Continue reading

Interview: Maryam Bibi Fights To Empower Women In Dangerous Northwest Pakistan

4 Jul

Maryam Bibiqabibi

By Farzana Ali, guest blogger in Peshawar, Pakistan


I was just a student in 1996 when I heard about Maryam Bibi’s activities in the press. Her mission as founder of Khwendo Kor, meaning “Sisters’ Home” and the threats she was receiving were known throughout Pakistan.  Most of her community centers for women were under attack and her colleagues under fire.

“The vast majority of tribal females are still deprived of the basic rights of education, health, and clean drinking water.”

After 9/11 when I was a working journalist, Maryam BiBi was considered on the side of the U.S. against Muslims during the war on terror. Then I had a chance to meet her, talk to her and watch her leading the womenfolk during the rule of the six religious parties-based alliance MMA.

Maryam Bibi protesting for peace

Maryam protesting for peace/2010

This self-made woman from Waziristan had no family, society, government or community support in the beginning, but now the world supports her. She has an important story to tell, and I found myself the best listener and transmitter for this iron lady of the region… Continue reading