Archive | February, 2011

Interview: Gayle Lemmon On The Amazing Dressmaker of Khair Khana

22 Feb

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Twitter: gaylelemmon

UPDATE 3/14/11:  Gayle launches her new book in New York

UPDATE 3/7/11:  Gayle wrote the Newsweek cover story on Hillary Clinton’s War for Women’s Rights

Hillary Clinton Cover Story

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is a reporter extraordinaire when it comes to covering the women of Afghanistan.  Few journalists have Gayle’s tremendous insight and knowledge of the important issues affecting women there.   Her articles have appeared in a variety of publications including The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, CNN, and the New York Times.

“I want to shine a light on the true story of the tenacity and courage of these women…”                      Gayle Lemmon

Her exclusive story on Bibi Aisha, the teenager whose nose and ears were cut off in retaliation for her escape attempt from an abusive marriage in southern Afghanistan, gained international media attention.

Since 2005 she’s been researching women entrepreneurs in post-conflict economies.   Her book on one courageous survivor, The Dressmaker of Khair Khana, will be published mid-March.  A Publishers’ Weekly review says it “offers inspiration through the resourceful, determined woman at its heart.”

I interviewed Gayle about her powerful reporting last year.   In that article she described Kamila, the dressmaker,  as an amazing person whose business created jobs and hope for 100 women in her neighborhood during the Taliban years.

Gayle was determined to tell Kamila’s story.  I’ve wanted to find out more about this brave and intrepid woman ever since that last interview…  Continue reading

Interview: Katrina Kenison On The Gift Of An Ordinary Day

16 Feb

Katrina Kenison

By Stacey Gualandi

UPDATE 2/28/11–Katrina’s First Day at Kripalu

Author and mother Katrina Kenison has captured a movement, one ordinary moment at a time, thanks to her book, The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir,  a popular blog, and the second most-watched book trailer online that you can see below.

“Begin each day with gratitude for what IS rather than worrying so much about what still might be.”   Katrina

Katrina simply asks us to appreciate that parking spot that magically appears, the birds chirping as you walk your dog, your young son saying “thanks” for the fun day you just had….moments so simple and ordinary, and gone in a flash.

While it’s a mother’s memoir, it appeals to even the non-moms like EYE contributor Stacey Gualandi. As she says, “After talking with Katrina, I realized ordinary has universal appeal, and I understand my mom so much more. We also found out we both practice yoga.  I teach and she’s about to become a teacher herself!”

And for the first time, Katrina’s sharing with us news about her next plans…something her fans and readers will be excited to hear!!! Continue reading

Interview: Dalia Ziada Blogs To Help Bring Democracy To Egypt

8 Feb

Dalia Ziada

UPDATE:  3/1/11:  Dalia to speak at the Women in the World Summit, NYC–March 10-12

DALIA ON TWITTER: @daliaziada


Dalia Zaida is a human rights’ activist and popular Egyptian blogger.  Her writings before and during the current uprising provide insight into the causes behind the revolt and the conflict between pro and anti-government groups.

“I wish my country be the best country in the world. And the only way to make this happen is to first bring democracy and apply it.”   Dalia Ziada

Time Magazine called this translator, researcher, lecturer, and poet a champion of Muslim Rights.   She’s the recipient of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Journalist Award, 2010.

Dalia Ziada

Dalia in Time Magazine

When I saw in the Daily Beast how passionately Dalia took to the streets to protest and read her blogs, I wanted to track her down to ask her about her experiences during these tumultuous times in Cairo.  In spite of her chaotic life right now, she took the time to answer my questions…  Continue reading

Interview: Marsha Wallace On How Dining For Women Wants to Feed the World

3 Feb

Marsha Wallace, Dining for Women

While meditating in 2002, Marsha Wallace had a vision: “What if every month you meet with your gal pals, you take the money that you would normally spend at a bar or restaurant, and then donate that money to help poverty-stricken women and girls half way around the world?”

“I do believe if you ask you will receive.  We’re best when we’re living with purpose.”   Marsha Wallace

Sounds like a simple concept right?  Well, that inspired idea became DINING FOR WOMEN, Marsha’s organization that now boasts over 200 chapters in the U.S. and in three countries, and has raised over $946,000 for 48 charities in developing nations.

Marsha Wallace Diing for Women

Atlanta Dining for Women Chapter

EYE Contributor Stacey Gualandi confesses cooking is not her thing, but dining out with friends is.  And she was looking for a fun way to make a difference.   So she connected in more ways than one when she spoke to Marsha.  

Her passion, enthusiasm, and initiative was so compelling, Stacey will be starting the first DFW chapter in Hollywood, CA, in February…  Continue reading