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Women’s Eye Reflections For The New Year–#3

4 Jan


More quotes to reflect on from The Women’s Eye Interviews for 2010:

Virginia Paca

Virginia Paca

“I would like to leave people a little better than I found them and I’d like to leave the world better than I found it.  If I could do that I would feel like I had a successful life.”

Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

Terry Laszlo-Gopadze

“Great women came into my life and mentored me and they have helped me find many ways to heal my body, mind and spirit. Hopefully, I can pass it on to others.”

Jessica Posner

Jessica Posner

“We are absolutely changing lives.  Look at the girls at our school. Last year they didn’t speak; they were shut down.  Now a year later they speak English, read, write, and do math.  They could be kids anywhere.”

Elizabeth Murray

Elizabeth Murray

“The artist makes a difference.  It takes a lot of courage to be creative and then to live that life.  You have to believe in yourself and know that it’s all worthwhile.”