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Interview: Gloria Feldt On 9 Ways To Embrace Your Power

29 Dec

Gloria Feldt

Gloria Feldt has a passion for bettering women’s lives.  She’s a renowned activist, commentator,  teacher, and author.   In her early years as a mother of three living in west Texas, she called herself  a “desperate housewife.”  Yet she rose to find her voice as President and CEO of Planned Parenthood from 1996-2005.

“It’s up to us to develop a more positive relationship with power, to define power on our terms and embrace it…”  Gloria Feldt

Gloria Feldt's No Excuses

Her most recent book “No Excuses–9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power” has been received with widespread praise.  It’s been called “groundbreaking” and “attitude-changing,” and “the most daring.”

I’ve known Gloria for several years now and have attended her inspiring lectures.  She’s certainly embraced her own power as her book is climbing best-seller lists.  I am delighted I had the opportunity to ask Gloria how she finally found her own identity and to get her advice for others as we begin 2011…  Continue reading