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Interview: Cheryl Dorsey On The Brave New World Of “Social Entrepreneurship”

8 Sep
Cheryl Dorsey

Photo: Tony Deifell

Cheryl Dorsey,  President of Echoing Green,  believes social entrepreneurship is the wave of the future and that it will create lasting social change.  Her organization has invested over $28 million in seed grants to over 471 social entrepreneurs.  Echoing Green says these funds have sparked social change in forty countries on five continents.

She describes the leaders of this new entrepreneurial movement as “so passionate, so idealistic, who believe so deeply in transforming the world in a positive way, that it’s infectious.”

This graduate of the John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Medical School gave up dreams of being a doctor in 1992 and launched Echoing Green’s Family Van, a mobile unit providing outreach health services to patients from inner-city Boston.  Ten years later, she became President of the nonprofit organization.

I was fortunate to hear Cheryl’s dynamic speech on Leadership at the Chautauqua Institute this summer.   I wanted to ask her where she got her incredible drive to change the world and what words of advice she might have for women who want to become innovators.

“My mother used to say when I was getting into trouble that life’s not fair and it’s up to you to figure out a way to change it.  That was a powerful message.”

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking to Cheryl…  Continue reading