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Dr. Krupali Tejura Blogs On Heartbreaking Conditions In Ugandan Medical Camp

5 Aug

Photo by Oscar Aguilar

Dr. Krupali Tejura, a radiation oncologist from Corona, Ca, says Twitter has the power to change lives and she’s seen it happen.  This remarkable doctor  uses social media to advocate for patients.  She’s tweeted to help find bone marrow matches and tickets for a cancer patient to meet a  favorite musician.

Having blogged about cancer issues for many years, she’s now giving readers an up close view of her current trip to Uganda where she’s tweeting and blogging regularly about her experiences helping out in a hospital and camp in Jinja.   Hospital facilities, Krupali writes, are shocking.  Working in the camp with her  visiting group and parents, she says she’s seen things she’s never seen in the medical profession.   Reaching out to assist a man with elephantitis, she’s blogging to let people know that he and many others need supplies and immediate care.  This week 1004 patients were seen in one day.

To follow her:

Krupali’s blog

On Twitter @krupali

Question:  Do you use social media for humanitarian purposes?