Archive | July, 2010

Interview: Vendela Vida On Her Riveting New Novel About A Journey To Self Discovery

23 Jul

Photo by Chloe Aftel

Journalist, author, and editor Vendela Vida has recently published the third in a trilogy of books that have a theme of violence and rage.   In “The Lovers” she chronicles an American widow’s  quest to  heal herself.   Described as a “masterful meditation on grief and love,” the book  is the tale of  a woman who returns to the place in Turkey where she once honeymooned and the internal and external  chaos that visit causes.

Vendela Vida's Book The Lovers

Vendela's Book

Vendela is a co-founder of the literary magazine  “The Believer.”   She’s also the co-founder of 826 Valencia, a non-profit tutoring center in San Francisco that teaches writing to children and teens.

I saw Vendela talk about her new book and wanted to know more about “The Lovers” and her desire to write…

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