Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin

9 Jun

Bea Johnson promotes a life without waste thru her blog and lifestyle in Mill Valley, Ca.   Her motto is “reduce, reuse, recycle” but first “refuse, refuse, refuse.”  She says that it’s not just about less packaging but about changing your whole outlook by wanting less and getting more.  Her consulting business Be Simpler helps people to get rid of the unnecessary.

To read the article:

Marin IJ

Bea’s blog

Question to ponder:  How do you  eliminate waste in your life?

One Response to “Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin”

  1. Janice Natale January 21, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

    Dear Bea, I watched you on the view and was very impressed by the good you have done in your life. I am going to try to find out more or how you do want you do. I am a big fan. I have to tell you that I have been bringing my own bags shopping for the past 34 yrs before they became stylish… Thanks for sharing your good news. ~ Janice N

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