Archive | June, 2010

Abigail E. Disney Produces Documentary On Liberian Women’s Fight For Peace

27 Jun

Abigail E. Disney’s first film “Pray the Devil Back to Hell” traces the journey of the Liberian women who united to end a bloody civil war and helped bring peace to their homeland in 2003.   This remarkable documentary features  Christian and Muslim mothers and grandmothers who came together to end the extreme brutality in their country.

The film will have its television premiere in Spring, 2011  as part of a mini-series produced by Abigail called  “Women, War & Peace” on PBS’s Wide Angle.

Abigail suggest three documentaries you might want to see. 

To read more about this film and find out how to see it:  Pray the Devil DVD

Pray the Devil Back to Hell Website

Question:  Would you have the courage to march for the liberation of your country?

Emma Thompson Supports Global Fight Against Human Trafficking

15 Jun
Emma Thompson is chairwoman of the board of trustees for the Helen Bamberg Foundation that aids survivors of sex slavery.
She spoke recently in New York about the fight against forced labor and trafficking that affects more than twelve million people around the world.  She sheds light on this issue with an art exhibit that travels the country.
To read the article:
Question:  Have you seen Emma’s exhibit?

Padmasree Warrior Leads Cisco In Tech Innovations

12 Jun

Photo: India Today

Padmasree Warrior is CTO (Chief Tech Officer) of Cisco and mentors young women in science.  Over 12.4 million people  follow her on Twitter.   She has transformed Cisco into a leading platform provider for the internet.

To read about Padmasree:

India Today

Guestblog on CNBC–8/6/10

Speech on Youtube

Question:  How has the internet affected your life?

Dominique Browning Writes About Recovery From Job Loss

9 Jun

Frances Palmer/NYT

Dominique Browning, the author of  a new book “Slow Love– How I Lost My Job, Put on My Pajamas, and Found Happiness,” is about her life after losing her position as editor of House and Garden Magazine where she worked for 13 years.   The magazine went out of business overnight.   Her journey back to recovery is a wonderful read by a very talented writer.

To read a review:  Slow Love Browning Cover

NY Times

To view her blog:

Slow Love Life

Question:  Have you had an experience losing a job and dealing with the change in your life?

Bea Johnson Lives Zero Waste Lifestyle In Marin

9 Jun

Bea Johnson promotes a life without waste thru her blog and lifestyle in Mill Valley, Ca.   Her motto is “reduce, reuse, recycle” but first “refuse, refuse, refuse.”  She says that it’s not just about less packaging but about changing your whole outlook by wanting less and getting more.  Her consulting business Be Simpler helps people to get rid of the unnecessary.

To read the article:

Marin IJ

Bea’s blog

Question to ponder:  How do you  eliminate waste in your life?

Lisa Shannon Travels To Africa To Help Congo Women

8 Jun

UPDATE 1/11/11:  A Thousand Sisters has launched an online campaign urging President Obama to help create a “comprehensive, coordinated and cohesive” action to bring an end to escalating violence against women in the Congo.  For the link to find out more, go to A Thousand Sisters.  

Lisa ShannonLisa Shannon’s life took a completely new direction when she saw an episode of  “Oprah” on women of the Congo.  This life-changing experience  led  her to write the new memoir, “A Thousand Sisters, My Journey into the Worst Place of Earth to Be a Woman.”  She tells the story of her  trip to Africa to raise money to sponsor Congolese women.

She founded the first national grassroots effort to raise awareness and funds for women in the DR Congo.

To read more about her book:  A Thousand Sisters cover

Seal Press

To see the website:

A Thousand Sisters

Have you had an experience that has dramatically changed your life?

Annie Leonard Examines Stuff and Overconsumption

8 Jun

Photo: Eros Hoagland/NYT

Annie Leonard is the author of “The Story of Stuff”  and host of a twenty minute film of the same name.    Dedicated to transforming industrial and economic systems, she’s been investigating environmental health and justice issues for nearly twenty years.

To read the article:

NY Times

To see the website:

Story of  Stuff

Do you think you consume too much stuff?

Anne Lamott Writes New Fiction–Imperfect Birds

2 Jun

Noted Marin novelist and essayist Anne Lamott has just completed her third book in a trilogy begun 25 years ago.  “Rosie” (1983) and “Crooked Little Heart” (1997) were the first two.  The title comes from a Rumi poem: “We each make our nest and they’re imperfect and they are unraveling as we speak.” 

To read the article:

 Washington Post

To see an interview:

 A Conversation/2007

 Lively Dust Blogger review

 Is there something “imperfect” about your life that you would like to change?