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Rebecca Tarbotton, Exec Director of Rainforest Action Network, Takes On Chevron

20 May

Photo: SFGate

Rebecca claims that Chevron is wreaking havoc on local communities, the environment, and our climate.  She’s covering next week’s shareholders meeting in Houston and will be reporting from there to the SF Chronicle as part of their City Brights blog written by prominent local citizens.

To read the article:

SF Chronicle

To view the website:

Rainforest Action Network

Do you think citizen journalists are a good addition to the media?

Natalie Galatzer, A New Entrepedaler In San Francisco

20 May

Photo: Amit Gupta/ SFGate

Natalie pedals miles to sell her pies made from scratch and is one of a growing number of women distributing homemade food by bike in San Fran.   She bakes up to 70 pies a day in addition to her fulltime job at a restaurant.  Her twitter account alerts customers to her location.

To read the article:

SF Chronicle

Have you come up with a new entreprenurial approach to selling your product?