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Kenyan Conservationist Saba Douglas-Hamilton Presents “Secret Life Of Elephants”

16 May

Saba and a team of filmmakers follow some 900 elephants that roam Kenya’s National Samburu Reserve in this remarkable documentary.   She is a trustee of “Save the Elephants,” a charity founded by her father.

Produced by the BBC, this program  is airs tonite on Animal Planet.

Check out:

ABC’s Nightline

Saba’s website

Is there an animal that you would fight to save?

Mariette Hartley Writes About Her Quest For Sobriety

16 May

Mariette ‘s memoir details her history of mental illness and battle with alcohol in “Breaking the Silence.,” her new paperback.   Recently the actress was honored by the Marin Services for Women in Ca with their Founder’s Award for “sharing her recovery experiences openly and honestly.”

To read the article:

Marin Independent Journal

To view the website:

Marin Services for Women

Have you had a personal battle with alcohol that you could discuss openly and honestly?

Phoenix Nurse Runs Across America To Promote Fitness And Break Record

16 May

Called the “Richard Simmons of nurses,” cancer survivor Helene Neville began running to Fla  from Ca May 1.  She expects to arrive on Aug. 1, some 2,500 miles later, when she turns 50.  She’s written a book “Nurses in Shape” about nutrition and fitness.  Helene wants to break the record of 108 days running from coast to coast.

Check out:

Helene’s website

Do you have a fitness goal you think you can  accomplish?