Archive | May, 2010

Spokeswomen For Go Red For Women Speak Up About Their Hearts

24 May

Photo: Go Red for Women website

Women from all backgrounds hope to save lives by speaking up about heart issues thru the Go Red for Women website.  Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the United States.

To view the website:

Go Red for Women

Do you think women speak up enough about their medical issues? 

Teri Hatcher Launches New Website Get Hatched

24 May

Teri’s  new website with Disney is described as  “a chick’s guide to life.”  This 45-year-old single mom offers feel good info and talks about issues she says that matter to women.

To view this website:

Photo: NY Daily NewsTo view this website:

Get Hatched

Are you interested in what celebrities have to say about issues?

Alondra de la Parra, Philharmonic Conductor at 29, Called Extraordinary

21 May

Photo: Courtney Perry/Alondra's website

At 29,  Alondra is the first woman from Mexico to conduct an orchestra in New York City.  Placido Domingo has called her talents “extraordinary.” She founded the Philharmonic Orchestra of America in 2004 to encourage soloists and  performers at the beginning of their careers.   Her orchestra has set up an education program in New York City schools.

Check out:

Alondra’s website

Do you know other accomplished women in their twenties?

Rebecca Tarbotton, Exec Director of Rainforest Action Network, Takes On Chevron

20 May

Photo: SFGate

Rebecca claims that Chevron is wreaking havoc on local communities, the environment, and our climate.  She’s covering next week’s shareholders meeting in Houston and will be reporting from there to the SF Chronicle as part of their City Brights blog written by prominent local citizens.

To read the article:

SF Chronicle

To view the website:

Rainforest Action Network

Do you think citizen journalists are a good addition to the media?

Natalie Galatzer, A New Entrepedaler In San Francisco

20 May

Photo: Amit Gupta/ SFGate

Natalie pedals miles to sell her pies made from scratch and is one of a growing number of women distributing homemade food by bike in San Fran.   She bakes up to 70 pies a day in addition to her fulltime job at a restaurant.  Her twitter account alerts customers to her location.

To read the article:

SF Chronicle

Have you come up with a new entreprenurial approach to selling your product?

Laura Bush Writes From Her Heart

19 May

The former first lady chronicles her life in “Spoken From the Heart” with, as some critics write, candor and no meanness.

To read a review:

LA Times

An interview:

USA Today

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

Christy Turlington Burns’ New Film Exposes Poor Health Care For Mothers

18 May

Photo: Every Mother Counts

Model and humanitarian Christy Turlington Burns’ new documentary “No Woman, No Cry” reports that moms worldwide don’t have access to the health care that saved her during the birth of her daughter.   “Half a million women each year die from 90% preventable causes,” she says.

The movie opened at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York last month.  Christy is enrolled in a Master’s of Public Health program at Columbia University.

To read the article:

NY Daily News

To view the website:

Every Mother Counts

What are you willing to do to help improve mothers’  health around the world?

Kimberly Hula Blogs “The Year of 52 Adventures”

18 May

Photo: Lemondrop

Kimberly Hula and her friends from all over the globe are committed to taking on one adventure each week of the year.  She started her blog  ”The Year of 52 Adventures” so that  she and her friends could share their latest thrill seeking journeys.   This 27-year-old grad student from Chicago has 43 more weeks of adventures to go.

To read the article:


To view the website:

Year of 52 Adventures

What is your most recent challenging adventure?

Kenyan Conservationist Saba Douglas-Hamilton Presents “Secret Life Of Elephants”

16 May

Saba and a team of filmmakers follow some 900 elephants that roam Kenya’s National Samburu Reserve in this remarkable documentary.   She is a trustee of “Save the Elephants,” a charity founded by her father.

Produced by the BBC, this program  is airs tonite on Animal Planet.

Check out:

ABC’s Nightline

Saba’s website

Is there an animal that you would fight to save?

Mariette Hartley Writes About Her Quest For Sobriety

16 May

Mariette ‘s memoir details her history of mental illness and battle with alcohol in “Breaking the Silence.,” her new paperback.   Recently the actress was honored by the Marin Services for Women in Ca with their Founder’s Award for “sharing her recovery experiences openly and honestly.”

To read the article:

Marin Independent Journal

To view the website:

Marin Services for Women

Have you had a personal battle with alcohol that you could discuss openly and honestly?